Policies & Handbook
Student & Parent Handbook
a) Addendum to Student Physical Altercation Policy
b) Anti-Bullying Policy - updated June 2020
Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy for Course Credit: Any student who accumulates more than 10 unexcused absences in a semester, must attain a minimum of 70% in the course to receive credit (instead of 60%).
Attendance: Absences may be excused only for illness, or for a verifiable family emergency. These absences can be excused only if a written note from the legal guardian is received in the main office within 48 hours of the scholar’s return to school. A doctor’s note or other official documentation is required for an absence period of more than 2 consecutive days. Notes from the doctor must come from the doctor on their letterhead. If a scholar is to be out, the parent/guardian should inform the main office before 8:00 a.m. if possible.
Scholars who are absent for all or part of any day may not attend or participate in any extracurricular event or sporting event on that day or night except with written permission of the Principal. For make-up work due to absences, scholars are given as many days to turn in work as they were absent. For example, if a scholar were absent for two days, he/she would have to turn in make-up work by the second day after he/she returns.
It is required that parents/guardians:
Get their child to school every day on time:
Expect their child to be in school/class on time. No late arrivals.
Provide the school with medical documentation of illnesses/medical appointments within 48 hours of their child’s return to school.
Contact the school in the morning if your child will be absent from school & provide the reason for absence at (313) 748-4045 (attendance line). A written note and/or official documentation is required for the absence(s) to be excused.
Expect and support school consequences for unexcused/unauthorized absences.
Please see the link for a more detailed version of our Attendance Policy:
VCP Attendance and Truancy Policy
School Dress Code
The dress code is strictly enforced. Warnings are not issued. The dress code is in effect anytime scholars are in the school building or on school-related functions such as field trips. Uniforms must be worn neatly and appropriately at all times.
Student Physical Altercation Policy
The Voyageur K12 School District is determined to perpetuate a culture that is conducive to optimal student and academic performance. Such an environment needs to be void of violent verbal and physical confrontations where any student feels threatened, bullied, unsafe, or simply uncomfortable. One of the goals of the district is to provide an environment (campus and classrooms) inclusive of the humanitarian core values of empathy and compassion. An environment and climate that promotes a school culture where all children may learn free bullying, threats, and antagonism.
Therefore, the K12 administrative team is asking Voyageur Academy’s Board of Directors to approve the following policy addendum to go into effect for the 2019/2020 school year:
If a scholar(s) displays physical aggression or violent behavior toward any Voyageur student(s) they will be suspended indefinitely pending a thorough investigation of the situation. Due process will be given to all individuals or groups accused of acts deemed in violation of the addendum. The results of the investigation will be shared with the administration and disciplinary teams formed and empowered by the district’s leadership team.
If scholar(s) displays physical aggression or violent behavior toward any of the Voyageur School District staff; they will be suspended indefinitely pending a thorough investigation of the situation. Due process will be given to all individuals or groups accused of acts deemed in violation of the addendum. The results of the investigation will be shared with the administration and disciplinary teams formed and empowered by the district’s leadership team.
Physical aggression is not limited to bodily contact, and includes any form of threats, bullying, and antagonism via social media and communication tools such as cell phones (text messages), internet, Facebook, and other forms of social media and electronic communications.
Physical aggression is not confined to the Voyageur campus, but is extended to peripheral functions and activities, such as athletic events (home and away), school busing (Triumph Transportation and other vendors), field trips, and school gatherings.
The addendum would become effective immediately after the Board’s approval. A communications plan will be subsequently developed to ensure effective communication to all stakeholders including students, staff members, parents, and guardians. This addendum would be signed by all parents and students accordingly ensuring their awareness and endorsement.
Anti-Bullying Policy
The Voyageur Academy board of education recognizes that a school that is physically and emotionally safe and secure for all students promotes good citizenship, increases student attendance and engagement, and supports academic achievement. To protect the rights of all students and groups for a safe and secure learning environment, the board of education prohibits acts of bullying, harassment, and other forms of aggression and violence. Bullying or harassment, like other forms of aggressive and violent behaviors, interferes with both a school’s ability to educate its students and a student’s ability to learn. All administrators, faculty, staff, parents, volunteers, and students are expected to refuse to tolerate bullying and harassment and to demonstrate behavior that is respectful and civil. It is especially important for adults to model these behaviors (even when disciplining) in order to provide positive examples for student behavior.
Please click here to see the entire Anti-Bullying Policy